
Lewis Sisler
Bethesda Chevy Chase
Class of 2021 (Update)
1600m Run03/26/2019Churchill, BCC at WJ05:05.816
1600m Run03/23/2019BCC, WW at RM05:08.712
1600m Run04/21/2018B-CC at Richard Montgomery05:11.99
1600m Run05/12/2018County B Championship05:14.251
3 Mile XC11/09/20194A State Championship17:25.2970
3 Mile XC11/10/2018Maryland State Championship18:06.7288
3200m Run05/11/2019Montgomery County B Meet10:50.39
3200m Run04/03/2019B-CC at Wootton11:02.44
3200m Run03/23/2019BCC, WW at RM11:07.712
3200m Run04/17/2018B-CC and WJ at Wootton11:41.914
5000m XC10/19/2019Montgomery Co. Championship16:5836
5000m XC09/28/2019DCXC Invitational17:0811
5000m XC10/05/2019Great American XC Fest17:10.2115
5000m XC10/06/2018Great American Invitational17:36.995
5000m XC10/16/2018Blair at B-CC17:42.8612
5000m XC09/14/2019Oatlands Invitational17:5089
5000m XC11/24/2018NXN Southeast17:54.5199
5000m XC10/02/2018RM at B-CC18:13.549
5000m XC10/27/2018Montgomery Co. Championship18:1484
5000m XC10/31/20194A West Regional18:14.7034
5000m XC09/18/2019B-CC, Whitman at Northwood 18:16.007
5000m XC09/10/2019B-CC at Walter Johnson 18:25.519
5000m XC09/29/2018DCXC Invitational18:2918
5000m XC11/01/20184A West Regional18:37.5233
5000m XC09/12/2018B-CC at WJ18:51.9910
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship19:13.7047
5000m XC09/19/2017Northwest, Blair at B-CC19:38.17
5000m XC10/03/2017B-CC, WW, WC at Landon20:08.4013
5000m XC09/23/2017DCXC Invitational20:1657
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational21:25206
5000m XC09/25/2018B-CC, Wootton at Whitman21:25.2416
5000m XC09/05/2017Wootton, B-CC at Blair21:26.6516
800m Run05/12/2018County B Championship02:20.030
800m Run03/26/2019Churchill, BCC at WJ02:25.322
Discus05/11/2019Montgomery County B Meet052-0146
Individual Titles
Matching Articles
10/15/2019Boys XC County Championship Projections
10/21/2018Boys XC County Championship Projections

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