
Sophia Wu
Walter Johnson
Class of 2020 (Update)
5000m XC09/16/2017Oatlands Invitational22:49171
5000m XC10/19/2019Montgomery Co. Championship24:2835
5000m XC10/27/2018Montgomery Co. Championship25:3352
5000m XC09/14/2019Oatlands Invitational26:2798
5000m XC10/20/2018Georgetown Prep Classic26:57.0038
5000m XC10/06/2018Wolverine Run27:26.715
5000m XC10/09/2018WJ, Whitman at RM27:31.0050
5000m XC09/17/2019Sherwood at Walter Johnson 27:35.3035
5000m XC09/10/2019B-CC at Walter Johnson 27:44.9152
5000m XC10/21/2017Montgomery Co. Championship27:54.60117
5000m XC09/29/2018DCXC Invitational28:01124
5000m XC10/02/2018Wootton, Blair at WJ28:15.2983
5000m XC10/07/2017Glory Days Invitational32:16329
5000m XC09/12/2018B-CC at WJ32:41.3678
5000m XC09/26/2017Einstein and RM at WJ32:4652
5000m XC09/19/2017Quince Orchard at WJ35:46.3137
Individual Titles
Matching Articles

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