
Central Tri Meet
Hosted By: Central
Washington, DC
Wednesday, May 03, 1939

Washington-Lee, McKinley at Central
May 3, 1939

Highlights from the Washington Post

Team Standings
1. Washington-Lee	54

100 Yard Dash
   Name			School			Result
1. Wally Legg		Washington-Lee		10.0
2. Jim Zuppa		Central
3. Al Toulotte		Washington-Lee

440 Yard Dash
   Name			School			Result
1. Al Hayden					51.1
2. Al Toulotte		Washington-Lee

880 Yard
   Name			School			Result
1.			Washington-Lee		2:08.5
2.			Washington-Lee
3.			Washington-Lee

One Mile
   Name			School			Result
1. 			Washington-Lee		4:46
2. Harris		Washington-Lee
3. Bruce		Central

120 Yard Hurdles
   Name			School			Result
1. Wally Legg		Washington-Lee		15.9
2. O'Brien		Tech
3. Singleton		Central

220 Yard Hurdles
   Name			School			Result
1. Wally Legg		Washington-Lee		26.6

Broad Jump
   Name			School			Result
1. Wally Legg		Washington Lee		20-05 3/4

Shot Put
   Name			School			Result
1. Hoover		Washington-Lee		42-02
2. Funk			Washington-Lee
3. Sliney		Tech

   Name			School			Result
1. Edwards		Washington-Lee		109-01 1/2
2. Berry		Washington-Lee
3. Carucci		Washington-Lee

High Jump
   Name			School			Result
1. Gilmore		Tech			5-08 1/4
2. Barham		Tech
3. Brasir		Central

Pole Vault
   Name			School			Result
1. Daze			Central			
2. Baxter		Central
3. Bash			Tech

Mile Relay
   School					Result
1. Central

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