
Bishop Ireton Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Bishop Ireton

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Bishop Ireton alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Ricky Baier
Austin Bakke
Hugo Bonilla
Ned Curry
Andrew Denny
Alex Dixon
Kevin Galloway
Matthew Gottlieb
Christian Green
Jack Ladd
Brian Mcginty
Anthony Mondragon
Sina Pooresmaeil
Malcolm Westbrook
Brandon Williams-Price
Inactive Girls
Gabi Barowski
Haley Beard
Breanna Burke
Amanda Caballero
Samantha Davenport
London Duckett
Madeleine Fortier
Madeline Freeman
Loren Grant
Christiana Grant
Lauren Gruebele
Karen Gusmer
Grace Hamilton
Josie Heck
Lolo Hogue
Lolo Hoque
Suzy Kenny
Katie Lucas
Christie Macy
Lyndsay Martini
Charlotte Mathes
Jaime McCoy
Michelle McFadden
Camille Merai
Niki Morris
Meghan Rielly
Marisa Righi
Ellenyni Rodriguez
Sara Sicard
Bridget Snystrup
Cristina Spinetto
Lizzie Spooner
Weslie Young

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