
Richard Montgomery Inactive Athlete Roster

Athletes are moved to this page if:

a.) The athlete has been inactive for over a year based on Mocorunning's performance database
b.) A credible person notifies Mocorunning that the athlete is no longer with Richard Montgomery

For the athletes listed below that do not have a graduation year next to their name, please go into that athlete's page and submit the correct graduation year. Athletes will be moved to the Richard Montgomery alumni page when their graduation date comes to pass. Athletes without graduation years will remain on this page indefinitely.

Inactive Boys
Rilwan Agboola
Isaac Applebaum
T'Kai Ayoola
Jackson Baker
Prosper Bayer
David Benjamin
David Bottenburg
Chandler Brown
Willem Brown
Kyle Bryant
John Cruz
Bereketab Dereje
Benjamin Digioia
Michael Farfan
Raffi Faul
Todd Gersten
Kamar Ghaemi
Shoham Ghosh
Rodion Ginsberg
Kevin Haugh
Habib-Emm Ibrahim
Batu Kaya
Nick Kelly
Tae Hee Lee
Jason Li
Sean Liu
Pat Long
Zaryab Malik
Andrew Mao
Kidus Mengistu
Jacob Migdall
Zaire Mitchell-Paden
Jack Muha
Austin Ostrenga
Evan Qi
Kris Ricks
Ivan Saranov
Eric Sickles
Aaron Silverman
Malik Simmons
Tinsae Waleigh
Djibril Zaud
Pan Zhang
Zhao Zheng
Inactive Girls
Michelle Alvarado
Laura Bader
Savannah Bailey
Ayanna Blair
Skylar Bozeman
Helena Chang
Madeline Chang
Helena Cheng
Xandra Duelge
Sorie Fatmata
Jordyn Gershoni
Jessica Gilreath
Katherin Guardado
Breanna Harris
Tahja Howard
Taylor Jones
Irina Kausadze
Melissa Kim
Jessica Lee
Audrey Ling
Louise Liu
Jenny Lu
Thulasi M
Anna Ma
Emma McLeod
Jisca Mivingou
Sarah Morrison
Sophia Naidi
Caitrin O'Brien
Summer Oh
Dahlia Padilla
Eleanor Pershing
Maddie Pins
Sharon Rossie
Kristen Ruben
Kristen Ruben
Courtney Smith
Kerene Turgott
Ketoveni Veii
Emily Zhou

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